i duno y..but jz feeling nt right.. i couldnt close my eyes my brain couldnt stop thinking so many stuff to be worried about.. and there goes my tears its so torturing haihz..
erM...u can call me DuriaN..hehe..coz..many pplz had been calling me DuriaN since i was small..hehe..dunno y oso..hehe..mayb my hair looks like DuriaN ? hehe..you'll nvr know..hehe..
Aplikasi Terbaik Menonton TV Luar Negri dan Lokal
[image: streaming tv online]
Pada era digital ini, manusia zaman sekarang tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan
smartphone yang sekarang sudah menjadi kebutuhan pr...
12th December 2012
Sometimes I wish I would fall asleep and never wake up, negative much on a
special day like this?
I can, but I shouldn't. Hang in there, I've survived 2 ...
*New Working Life..*
2 weeks had passed.
I have been working for 2 weeks in Philip Lumileds as Process Engineer in
singulation and assembly process team w...
Moving on
I'm strongly contemplating on changing to a new blog. But I'm currently too
busy and too lazy. I will, eventually. This blog has collected too much
dust th...
I'm Back~~ {unfortunate event}
Konichiwa~~ Hehe.. I'm back in Penang..
Last night 9 something only reach home.. I really had fun..
This trip i had is a shopping and eating trip.. Hehe.. Di...
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