Diz 1 i bet u guyz sure remember eh..super maria..our 1st tv game..ahaha..

eraser...hehe..i still remember we used to play rubber and gamble it..once we lost the match..we hav to giv our rubber to our opponent..ahaha..i still hav it..a bunch of it..

ahaha...our hero...Power Ranger...go go power ranger..

lol...fruit's shape eraser...

our super many door / compartment pencil box..super cool...

ahaha...panda water colour..
AHaha...old maid, donkey, happy family..snap..used to play it when teacher nt around...ahaha..
Bubble Gum...ahaha..summore can use it to tatoo on our skin..hehehe...
ToRa...still remember diz ? we used to buy it last time..around age of 5-10..hehe..
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