Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lack of sleep..but last time…

i got plenty of time but yet i was complaining that i cant sleep..
but diz semester..i desperately need a long long sleep..but yet i dun hav enough time to sleep..
time is now precious to me..i dun dare to waste any single time..
24 hours is jz really not enuf for me..
i need extra time..mayb 36 hours ?
but diz sem i had alots of fun..
my life full with exciting activities and fun
this is the life i want it to be..
so..that i wont be so bored to death..
and..last but not least…


i m finally being freed from so-called “prison”


YES!!!!!i m a free man again..
after being controlled by “them” for almost 1 long semester..
being trapped inside their house..
being brainwash-ed by them..
and being……etc…
and now..
i can see that they already had their new “victim”
and its the time for me to escape..
woohoo…i m free…i’ve got my freedom..