Mousehunt and Ghost Trapper..
but i wanna introduce u on Restaurant City..
ahaha...seems like i always advertise games for facebook..
but i m nt paid to do this..ahaha...
facebook's games can be very addictive nowadays..
belum cuba belum tahu..sudah cuba, hari hari mahu..
ok..lets cut the crap...
i started to play diz game, Restaurant City..nt long ago..
erm..actually, my hallmate started to play 1st..den..few weeks later only i start to play..
at 1st, i tot it was jz a kid's game..
buthen, once u try..i can assure dat u want to play..but ofcoz u nid to hav a competitor..
so dat, u will hav the umphh to play..compete against each other..
diz game required u to design ur restaurant in the most creative way..
but 1st, ur restaurant consists of cook, waiter, and cleaner..
so, u hav to come out with all those strategy on how to make ur restaurant operates in the most efficient way..
in order to operate in the most efficient way..u hav to plan on hw to place ur stove and ur waiter..
and the arrangement of interior of ur restaurant..
lvl 8 and above, u will nid a toilet for ur, u'll nid a cleaner..
erm...bsides decorating ur restaurant...
u will oso nid to lvl up ur dishes...
there is 3 type of dishes..
"Started" , "Main course" and "Desert"
u will gain more point if u lvl up ur dishes...
da max point u can earn from each customer is 2.8 points..
which u nid to make 3 of ur dishes bcome lvl 10..
in order to upgrade ur dishes..u will nid to trade ingredients with ur friends..
which they will hav system barter...
erm..and oso nt to forget..
u will hav a daily quiz...
if u answer it correctly..u will get a free ingredient..
hehe..and oso..u will oso get a free ingredient if u visit ur friends restaurant for 1st time..
hehe..sounds cool rite ?, wat r u waiting for???
here is the picture on how it looks like..

ahaha...hav a happy day...=)
This "Restaurant City" has been keeping my sister awake for almost 40 hours..
very addictive..
and today, i saw my room mate start playing with it.
It seems this game will be trendy very soon..
ahaha..yalor..last week, i oso stay awake till 5am..ahaha..coz want to lvl up..ahaha..facebook game can be very addictive 1..ahaha
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