nt now...but last 2 years life..
when i was in melaka doin my foundation...
during dat time..my life was so so good and
i had ntg to worry about..
my life is like happy-go-lucky..
even thou its tough but i enjoy it very much...
i hav to thanx to all my friends in melaka..
especially my hsemate..
bing hung, boon ching, vincent, richard, ah sim, ah kat and last but nt least..my roomate..kee keong..

i was so so happy dat time..
no conflicts and problems arises during those 1 year period..
although dun hav car and hav to walk to campus which took me about 15 minutes walking distance..
dats was all awesome...
very peace and i m havin my great time there..
i m lovin it..
suddenly, i feel dat i wanted to go back to cyberjaya campus and continue my studies there..
i dun like study in disted anymore..
bcoz of all those problems and certain ppl's attitude..nt all ok ?
and oso nt bcoz of girl's attitude..
its basically boy's attitude..
i cant tahan them...
last time when i was in melaka..
my group was huge..
my class consisted of 65ppl if nt mistaken..
and my group was huge..
around 17ppl...
ahaha..we go makan oso can say da restaurant full wif us..
and whenever we walk...wow..
so syok..1 big group...
but 1 thing is dat i can assure you..
we nvr quarrel and we nvr beh syok each other as wat i had it here in penang..
in melaka.. we help each other...
although my group got only 1 girl but da life still goes on..
on every monday and wednesday nite..we walk to pasar malam..
den friday we sit bus and go to jaya jusco..
da nearest store we can find..
we go there and buy all those needs..
den on saturday..sumtimes we went for pool or snooker and bowling and sumtimes for movie too..
but sometimes only..
nt everyweek..
can pokai..
our life is simple and easy goin..
it was fun...if compared to penang now..
i m now staying in penang full of stress and problems..
haihz...how can i get rid of it ?
very hard..
diz morning i slept at 3am..buthen i wake up at 7am..
den suddenly i think of wanan go back to my main campus..
as i thought of the life i had in melaka..
if i know..
if la...
i wont come back to penang..
i will continue my studies in cyber..
but wat can i do now ?
ntg much...
i m slower then my friend 2 sems..
regret regret..
i wan go back to cyber..
i cant take it anymore..
wish my wish can be granted...
now summore exam season..
Final Exam Mode Activated...
I hate uni life too. You have problems with guys, I have it with girls. I don't know la. Maybe it's me, I don't see Yi Lin having problem. Maybe it's me la, I always expect a private moment, a time for myself when I am staying with people. I hate the life there. I am anti-social in USM ok?? Can you believe it??? Ch'ng Ping Ping, ANTI-SOCIAL!
wah..anti social ar ? i m now too socialize d till facing all those problem..sumtimes, anti-social oso gt its pros and cons oso..now..my college life is like worst than sh!t..haihz..cant imagine..
when on9, i tell u more..but everytime i see ur status oso away or busy 1..ahaha..=)
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