i spent my whole weekend jz playing and checking on those 2 games...
erm...diz is how that "Ghost Trapper" looks like...
actually, i jz started to play yesterday morning..
lol..so, as u can see, i still noob and poor..
the game format and tactic is jz da same as Mousehunt...
for mousehunt, we nid to click on the "Sound the Horn" icon which will appear every 15 minutes..
as for Ghost Trapper...we hav to click on "Let's Hunt!" icon..
lol..i wonder..siapa tiru siapa punya idea...
everything single things is exactly same..jz da title and the name different only...
as for my opinion..ghost trapper may not be as attractive as mousehunt..
bcoz it doesnt provide any cash prizes for its Ghost Trap-Er
for those who got facebook and would like to hav a look on how its looks like...
here is the link >> Ghost Trapper <<
the graphic might look abit childish if compared to Mousehunt..
btw, lets giv a try if u r free...no harm trying new stuff...
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