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Mousehunt & Ghost Trapper TERRIBLY!!!haihz..i spent my whole weekend jz playing and checking on those 2 is how that "Ghost Trapper" looks like...
actually, i jz started to play yesterday, as u can see, i still noob and poor..the game format and tactic is jz da same as Mousehunt...for mousehunt, we nid to click on the "Sound the Horn" icon which will appear every 15 for Ghost Trapper...we hav to click on "Let's Hunt!" wonder..siapa tiru siapa punya idea...everything single things is exactly same..jz da title and the name different for my opinion..ghost trapper may not be as attractive as mousehunt..bcoz it doesnt provide any cash prizes for its Ghost Trap-Erfor those who got facebook and would like to hav a look on how its looks is the link >> Ghost Trapper <<the graphic might look abit childish if compared to Mousehunt..btw, lets giv a try if u r harm trying new stuff...
AHaha..First of all..diz week, i'm quite happy..erm..exercise alotz..jogging and swimming...ahaha...last friday went out to Cyber Park jogging with Danny and my stamina nt bad least can chase with them..ahaha...erm...although exercise alotz...but after jogging..ended up dinner at GORENG CHICKEN CHOP...ahaha...jz nw burn calorie...but nw add calorie & our beloved "CHLORESTEROL" woke up 8 in the morning...nt bcoz of studying or wat..but for swimming..ahaha..diz is da most earliest swimming i had in my life...surprisingly, the water was warm and u wont feel cold...really...believe time if wanna go swimming..better go 8am in the week gonna be a very very extremly bz week...hav to pass up japanese assignment..haihz..and do fully japanese...haihz..habis habis...
Here the solution...actually nt from me..diz is wat i actually encounter...i cant log in my WLM (Windows Live Messenger) for the past 2 days..whenever i log in...i keep pop up an error and said dat..."Windows Live Messenger is temporarily unavailable...bla bla bla..."and shows me "Error 8100030d"wtf...apa ni ?then ar, the weird things is dat, i can sign in with my other WLM mean nw, only current account got error ? mana betul ni ?nonono..dats no fair dude...erm...think oso knw la...using same WLM and same computer...but when sign in...1 account got error but another 1 no error and can sign in ingat i bodah kah ?ahaha...nvm lo...our life is getting much more easy with the help of Google..ahaha..after few minutes of google-ing...finally i found a so useful...i gonna share it hereTHE WEBSITEfor those having trouble..feel free to read that website..its 100% gonna me..ahaha...apa apa pun ada..belum google belum tahu...sekali google, hari hari mahu first i thought my pc was attack-ed by V-I-R-U-S or the worst case..being was like , KNS liao...macam mana ni, skrang ku nak guna msn ni..kan kena siapkan homework ku..mampuslah aku kalau nak format pc ni..lepas ku fikir dan fikir, ha!! kan ada google, bolehlah...aku cuba cuba dan cuba lagi...hehehe...and now i can back to online again..hehe
Wow..when u heard the word ,"World record"...u knw mouth keep opening..Wah..wah..wah...nt only dat..dat event itself held at my campus grandhall..hahaha..there will be 290 gamers goin to play games non-stop for 38 hours to break da previous record which is 36 i step inside da hall...i was like OMG...looks like WCG (World Cyber Game)i nvr been to so grand event world class event...u guyz can goto diz website >> HERE and HERE and HEREalotz of pictars there...hehe..enjoy..currently i got 3 tickets liao...which means i got 3 lucky draw ticket for tomolo event..ahaha..da prizes is either AMD processor or ATI graphic card or 1 Computer..ahaha...i envy all the participants...there will get 1 AMD Processor each once they join this good...check out dat picture HEREhehe...
FirsT of all..i want to wish my friend HappY BirthDay,
Ping Ping which i kenal for so many
many many years d..hehe..since form 2..around 7 years..time "terbang" memang fast sekali...7 years jz passes in jz sekelip mata..WisH u enjoY ur 21st BirthdaY...hehe...walaueh..u may nw enter Genting casino legally d...haihz..too bad..i still cannot..nt fair..ahaha...really nt fair..heheHAPPY BIRTHDAY
LoL...when u look at the title...u oso knw liao...Diablo 2 : Lord of Destruction...Ahaha...really Lord of Destruction...Wanna knw y?Diz is hw its started..2 weeks ago...I was in Penang that time..den went out yam cha with my old buddies(em,cc,cl,andrew)den suddenly they talk about Diablo 2 plan to play it thru Hamachi(is a program which allow u to LAN Game with other ppl from other place...even UK or US) btw, LAN is Local Area Network is nt wat u think of..AHAHa...ok..lets continue..dat time i was poisoned by oso addicted to that game itself..although that game was old least got 8 years d..ahaha..but anyway...its still nice and exciting to play..ahaha..erm...ok..tats for Penang Case..erm..nw..Lets talk about in Cyber Pulak..i will never forget to bring the Diablo 2 along with me to cyber..ahaha..once i step my foot on cyber..da 1st thing i did was...INSTALLING DIABLO 2: LORD OF DESTRUCTION...ahaha...u c...i too addicted to that game d..ahaha..den..later on..after few hour..i was playing...den suddenly few of my hsemate come and hav a look..den i ask them, "Wan play or nt ? come on...very nice game...summore we can play together..." 1st they said see 1st...later only later on..i take that cd to upstairs and giv it to them..ahaha...manatahu..dety straight away got 1 victim..yes...i manage to poison 1 fella..den...during dinner time..dat nite..i was having my dinner with so so suddenly i changed the topic to Diablo 2...=.=...ahaha...u can see how evil m i...ahaha...den...after talk and talk den he said,"Eh! Good Game eh...last time i oso used to play 1...Got CD ar ? pinjam me..."ahaha..YES2nd Victim..ahaha...erm...ok..den..few days later..........................................................................while i playing the game..some of the hsemate come hv a gv them da cd..mana tahu...da cd pass from 1 hsemate to another nw..i already got 6 Hsemate bad ar...even da one who rarely play games oso join us..ahaha..u powerful diz game can poison someone wat i mentioned jz nw..i pass da cd to danny few days ago rite..rite nw..his hsemate oso start playing d..ahaha..2 of his hsemate nw gila diablo 2 : Lord of Destruction...really can destruct our mind..ahaha...nw i feel so a SIN.....haihz..habis myself oso kena poison...last nite i was playing till 3.25am with my those who dunno wat is Diablo 2...diz the site >>Diablo2<<lol...
hehe...nice eh...ahaha..."Belum cuba belum tahu...sudah cuba, hari hari mahu"
Haihz...the internet connection is getting worst...damn...who to blame ?u pandai pandai know la..who else ?i cant even log in my facebook...kns...haihz..this happened since tuesday is wat we get for wat we swt...btw, i went to watch Fast & Furious 4...with my friend..erm..actually...its quite dissapointed...mayb i my expectation for that movie was too high..i was hoping to watch more racing and modifying of the cars..buthen..haihz...summore only get to see Skyline and Muscle car..swt swt...diz month got alot of movies to watch...Knowing, Shinjuku Incident, pocket gonna koyak if i watch all of money le...summore diz week i very nw i was trying to play with some of the facebook application..and i took the quiz of ," when will u married?"lol..and u guess wats the result...
i was like...WTH!!!it supposed to be last year..20 young...havent finish studying already married..ahaha...
after 2 weeks of holidays..i m nw back in cyber again..haihz..back to a so-called "smart city or high-tech city" actually a deserted place...indeed a dead to find nearest shopping complex ??Jaya Jusco...15-20km away...shit...u'll nvr reach there if u dun hav any car...there is no way u can reach there by public transport...unless u take taxi or tumpangs friends car..if u take taxi...its gonna "chop...chop..chop..." till dunno how to say..or da nearest oso Alamanda...around 10-15km away...can reach there by taking the time reach there...lazy to jalan d..the journey to go there also took around 1 hour++the stupid bus go pusing such a big if go tour around, as a conclusion..its better to stay at home rather go out jalan jalan..UNLESS......ur friends are goin out wif knw y it is a "Dead City"...u'll knw if u step ur foot here...or else..u'll nvr knw..