I just cant sleep…I’ve made a wrong decision on ordering teh ais during my dinner just now…bad bad idea
who knows ? sometimes SHIT
this is not the first time I encounter this problem..
few years back, this so called “Teh Ais Effect” had never occur in my life…
but since I came to MMU, this effect always “follow” me whenever I had my Teh Ais…
haihz..decided to sleep early just now because of 9am class..but..
end up staying awake writing this post…
later is going to be another zombie-day for me in campus..
but there is another way to prevent it…”Self=declared Holiday”
ahaha…by this, I can have my own sweet time sleeping at home instead of attending those boring-sleepy-useless class
but will see how later…
will never drink Teh Ais again for my dinner…damn…