Sunday, March 30, 2008

$$$ Money Money Money $$$

Ahaha... plz visit my Online Gifts & Accessories Shop @
erm...diz is part of my course subject...ahaha..which is cyberpreneurship...
we hav to sell things out on d internet lo..
Haihz...dunno ada business tak...AHaha..
mostly all stuff are for galz...
ahaha...necklace, anklet, bracelet, earings , softtoys and so on...

Monday, March 03, 2008

DoNt TrY Diz At HoMe ::::WasHinG My Beloved KeyboarD::::

Do you ever check ur keyboard from time to time ?
AHaha...i guess most of us juz use and use without notice dat da keyboard is full of dust & Sh*t...
Lol....den, wat u do when u notice it ?ahaha...
juz wipe it with tissue ??
AHaha...wat if , those dirt are beneath those tiny hole under da keys...??

wanna know how ? easy lah...easy as abc...
juz prepare 1 bucket of water and juz drop ur entire keyboard inside da bucket...
ahaha...after few minutes, u sure will notice all those sampah sarap coming out from ur mysterious
keyboard...omg...u wont believe it...sometimes, da water can be dark as Kopi 'O...
Ahaha...but do it at ur own risk...
juz make sure ur entire keyboard (meaning tat da internal hav to be entirely dry)
if nt, u know prepared to buy new keyboard...
ahaha...i took me approx. around 1 week plus...
come come...picture time...
Click on the Picture to get better view!!!!!!